Saturday, 25 August 2012

Indian Mehndi Designs

Another practise session to sharpen the skills technique and consistancy.
But I did not have enough henna paste to complete the design. Will be making a fresh batch of paste later on tonight.

Indian Bridal Mehndi - Part 2

Another bridal mehndi I tried yesterday night; started at 11.30am and finished at 12.30am - with droopy eyes but the henna itch just kept me awake. 
Tried experimenting the combination of different patterns and motifs to achieve a smooth flow throughout the design. Can't wait to try out another design I have in mind!

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Simple henna designs

Arabic floral.

A random tinkling.

Some simple EID henna

A fast track design for my colleague.

Another wrist design at the very last moment before the end of a long day.

Traditional Indian Bridal - Simple designs

Been working on some bridal designs to quench my henna thirst.

A simple design in the center as the highlight with detailed fillings on the fingers. A little consistency yet different - especially at the edges of the designs where each of the 4 sides have different finnishing. The main focal design was inspired by one of the pictures from the book Traditional Mehndi Designs - A Treasury of Henna Body Art.

A few different fillings on each fingers - inverse coloured boxes, pasley leaves, flowers and repeatitive curls. 

Another traditional indian design I worked on to get myself into gear. I am trying to do more of these indian bridal designs to practise my speed and consistency of the artwork.

A glimpse of the artwork up close.

Thursday, 16 August 2012

Review: Nooraini Red Henna

Tried Nooraini red henna bought from the wholesale store, Mydin. The henna was imported from India. It cost about RM2.50 per 100g (if my memory doesn't fail). It's very reasonable.

The concoction used includes various types of spices, lemon juice and henna powder.

This is right after I remove the paste which  I left on the finger overnight - without wrapping.
 Same paste but wrapped with the plastic film.

The colour is evident but not as dark as expected. Even when left overnight. 
My verdict: Its so-so, good for practise but perhaps for special occasion, other types of powder may be a better choice. Expected it to be dark brownish red but the colour did not turn out to be so. Nevertheless, the colour is quite long lasting.